Rainbow Saurus

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Bird in the Herd

Rainbow Saurus

by Steve Antony

Published by Hachette Children's Books
ISBN 9781623717001

In search of the Rainbow Saurus young readers with their accompanying reader find that they can all get along quite happily as they make this long journey.

Colourfully illustrated as we would expect a brightly coloured Rainbow Saurus, the family of two dads and their three children head off on an adventure. The story demonstrates working towards a common goal in harmony while enjoying each other's company as the large number of animals in the colours of the rainbow join them in their quest.

These emphasis is on the animals that have different colours, not their usual ones such as the red cow, who joins in as the family begin climbing the rainbow.In turn  an orange snake and a yellow frog and so on become parr of the group as do all the others. The sounds that each animal makes are included, as kids in this age group learn the sounds each one makes.

It is a sweet and happy story showing different people and animals can get along quite happily regardless of their make ups

The Author

Since his 2014 debut, multi award-winning author-illustrator Steve Antony has so far written and illustrated 18 picture books and sold over one million copies worldwide, and seven of his titles have been nominated for the Kate Greenaway Medal.

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